The desire to start Becoming a Therapist, a blog and resource hub for helpers and aspiring therapists, was born from my own need for help. Needless to say, the past couple of years have been an unprecedented time that has exacerbated mental health deterioration across the world and particularly in the U.S. Along with so many, I’ve needed encouragement as I’ve experienced my own difficulties as well as helped my clients with their own. And I have been so grateful for those who have provided me with that encouragement. Now, a new generation of helpers and therapists are beginning their journey in the midst of this, and they are jumping into the thick of it.

I’d like to help.
My hope and goal is to be the same some sort of encouragement to those of you considering, in the process of, and already in the field of professional help. I want to help keep the flame of hope alive that it is good and meaningful to be in this field of work and embody to you the fact that you are not alone, and it is not all on you.
I’ve gone through the process myself; I earned my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from St. Mary’s University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now I work as a pre-licensed therapist, accruing hours to become licensed. It wasn’t easy getting here. I worked full time for most of my program while going to classes at night. On many late-night drives home, I seriously questioned if this was the right path for me. I worried that others were much better equipped than me. I doubted clients would find that I was helpful for them.
And while I’ve “made it” in one sense, I am, and always will be on that path of becoming a therapist. Becoming is a long, maybe even unending journey. I’d love to walk that path with you.
If you’re up for it, come join me by clicking below:
About Me
On a more personal note: hi, I’m Ben. I grew up in Bloomington, Minnesota on a healthy dose of Pokémon, sunset boat rides on the Mississippi, and a deep love for winter and all the calm that it brings. I still live here in Minnesota with my lovely wife Em and our miniature zoo of animals. Aside from being a therapist I enjoy writing, all things Nintendo, and a good conversation with someone I love over a warm beverage and a sweet treat in a cozy place during the dead of winter.